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Being offered is an early, framed silhouette with an overall size is 10” x 8 ½”. Silhouette (profile) portraiture was the popular way to recreate an image of oneself or loved one before the invention and common use of photography in the mid 1800’s. During the years of 1600s through 1850s, professional and amateur artists would either paint or cut profiles – using paints or scissors.
Etienne de Silhouette was a Finance Minister in France in the 18th century, and an amateur artist. He was also known for his inexpensive artwork. Because of his reputation, the reasonable profile portraits that he and others produced became known as "silhouettes".
The majority of period silhouettes were bust views – full body silhouettes are rarer because of the additional detail needed. This silhouette came out of an old Pennsylvania estate sale. Overall, it is in very nice condition. The frame has no cracks or splits and the back really shows its age, even remnants of an old label.